City Subsidy Available

Kyoto City

Kyoto Prefecture

Kyoto is considered the cultural capital of Japan and a major tourist destination. It is home to numerous Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, palaces and gardens, some of which are listed collectively by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Kyoto Traditional Houses for sale

Below are real estate properties for sale in Kyoto, such as Kyo-machiya and kominka houses.

[65194] Kurama Kyo-machiya

Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City

  • 19,800,000 JPY
  • Land: 135.53 sqm
  • Floor: 105.41 sqm
  • Property Detail
  • [65200] Momoyama Kyo-machiya

    Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City

    • 110,000,000 JPY
    • Land: 371.21 sqm
    • Floor: 211.06 sqm
  • Property Detail
  • [65166] Ryoan-ji Kyo-machiya

    Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 16,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 78.96 sqm
    • Floor: 79.99 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65162] Shichiku Kyo-machiya

    Kita Ward, Kyoto City

    • 27,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 75.25 sqm
    • Floor: 94.24 sqm
  • Property Detail
  • [65090] Umeyacho Old House

    Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City

    • 16,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 57.28 sqm
    • Floor: 62.03 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65129] Takasegawa Kyo-machiya

    Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 79,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 54.01 sqm
    • Floor: 70.36 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65128] Shinomiya Old House

    Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City

    • 5,000,000 JPY
    • Land: 60.59 sqm
    • Floor: 57.13 sqm
  • Property Detail
  • [65127] Jurakumawari Old House

    Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 19,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 124.94 sqm
    • Floor: 42.31 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65110] Matsumotocho Kyo-Machiya

    Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 80,000,000 JPY
    • Land: 125.71 sqm
    • Floor: 115.69 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65092] Kataharacho Kyo-machiya

    Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 23,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 51.03 sqm
    • Floor: 69.42 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65105] Keihokutoucho Kominka

    Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 16,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 857.72 sqm
    • Floor: 127.32 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65089] Nishisuyacho Kyo-Machiya

    Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 62,000,000 JPY
    • Land: 50.87 sqm
    • Floor: 74.74 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65066] Nishinocho Kyo-Machiya

    Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City

    • 22,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 49.09 sqm
    • Floor: 58.36 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65082] Kinugasa Old House

    Kita Ward, Kyoto City

    • 19,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 74.88 sqm
    • Floor: 59.67 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65077] Chudoji Old House

    Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City

    • 13,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 41.91 sqm
    • Floor: 62.37 sqm
  • SOLD
  • [65035] Imagumano Kyo-Machiya

    Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City

    • 14,800,000 JPY
    • Land: 280.39 sqm
    • Floor: 213.58 sqm
  • SOLD
  • ★City Subsidy

    Below are the subsidies provided by Kyoto city for renovating kyo-machiya houses for different purposes. Click here to download The Guide to Renovating Kyoto Machiya and refer to p.25 to p.28 to see complete list of subsidies and requirements. (In Japanese only)

    Requirement for each subsidy is different. Please contact us or Kyoto city directly if you want to confirm whether or not you are applicable for subsidies for a particular property. Please note that some subsidy may take up to 1 year before you are approved to start the renovation.

    Renovation for Earthquake resistance, Fire Prevention, Energy Saving

    [Requirement] The Kyo-machiya needs be used for residential purpose (at least half of floor spae needs to be for residential purpose). None-machiya wooden houses may be applicable too. Click here for detail information.

    Usage of Subsidy Subsidy Rate Subsidized Limit
    To imrpove Earthquake Resistance of the Kyo-machiya (Repair roof, pillar, stone foundations, etc) 80% 3,000,000 JPY
    To improve Fire Prevention of the Kyo-machiya (Opening and wall) 80% 600,000 JPY
    To improve Energy Saving of the Kyo-machiya (Insulation materials, double-glazed windows, etc) 80% 500,000 JPY

    Kyo-machiya Renovation for Community development

    [Requirement] The Kyo-machiya needs to contribute to the local community and help preserve the neighborhood streetscape. Click here to see detail.

    Usage of Subsidy Subsidy Rate Subsidized Limit
    To renovate the exterior of the target Kyo-machiya 66.6% 5,000,000 JPY
    To renovate the exterior of multiple Kyo-machiyas for preserving streetscape 75% 10,000,000 JPY

    Kyo-machiya Preservation in Designated Areas

    [Requirement] The Kyo-machiya needs to locate in one of the Designated Areas for Kyo-machiya Preservation. Subsidy mainly used for exterior. Click here to see detail.

    Usage of Subsidy Subsidy Rate Subsidized Limit
    To renovate a Kyo-machiya in one of the 12 Kyo-machiya Preservation Areas. 50% 1,000,000 JPY
    To renovate a Kyo-machiya in one of the 3 Historical Streetscape Preservation Areas. 66.6% 6,000,000 JPY
    To renovate a Kyo-machiya in one of the 8 Boundary Townscape Improvement Areas. 66.6% 6,000,000 JPY
    To renovate a Kyo-machiya in one of the 4 Preservation District for Important Traditional Buildings. 80% 6,000,000 JPY

    Why KORYOYA houses?

    The traditional Japanese houses listed on KORYOYA are all built before 1950 with the traditional construction method.

    The traditional method is the result of more than a thousand years of past carpenters passing down their efforts and wisdoms. As no new houses can be built with the traditional construction method under current law, the high craftsmanship is in danger of becoming a dying art.

    Flow & Services

    The purchasing flow and the types of services you may need depends on factors such as where you live, your ability to communicate in Japanese, and your intended use of the property.

    Contact Us